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Suicide Prevention

We delved into Suicide prevention programs due to the high rate of suicide recently in Nigeria and the urgency to educate people against this action.

We have set up an effective suicide preventive measures which are data driven that will enable us to understand the suicide problems. We identify the major causes of suicide such as stress resulting from prejudice and discrimination (family rejection, bullying, and violence), historical trauma, prior suicide attempt(s), misuse and abuse of alcohol or other drugs, mental disorders particularly depression and other mood disorders, access to lethal means, knowing someone who died by suicide particularly a family member, social isolation, chronic disease and disability, lack of access to behavioral health care, end of a relationship or marriage, death of a loved one, an arrest, serious financial problems and some other factors. This is followed by protective measures which can be personal or environmental such as: effective behavioral health care, correctness to individuals, family, community, and social institutions, Self-esteem and a sense of purpose or meaning in life, Cultural, religious, or personal beliefs that discourage suicide. We will set up different mechanisms in states across the country that enable people report any suspicious move relating to the risk factors mentioned above from which we apply the protective measures on the individuals.

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